Friday, March 14, 2008

Dennis Quaid and Wife Find Twins nearly killed by Hosptial(VIDEO)

Dennis Quaid reccounts his newborn twins' drug overdose

Quaid states, "We all have this inherent thing that we trust doctor and nurses, that they know what they're doing. But the mistake occurred right under our noses...

The nurse didn't bother to look at the dosage on the bottle. There were 10 units that our kids were supposed to get and they got 10,000 which basically turned their blood to the consistency of water.

Complete inability to clot. They were basically bleeding out.

But the hosptial never called the Quaids and they didn't know anything until they went to the hospital room early the next morning and went to the twins' room.

"Blood splattered about six feet and landed on the wall. There was blood everywhere."

"Two massive, overdoses, a thousand times what they should have over an 8 hour period, that we know of."

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