Sunday, January 27, 2008

VeriChip Corporation - Infant "Protection"

VeriChip Corporation - Infant Protection: "The number of total switching incidents is as high as 20,000 per year in the U.S.
- Journal of Healthcare Protection Management"

Instead of this statisic being the foundation of a pro-
"tagging" your infant argument to sell the people on how "good" RFID/National ID, Big Brother "so that we can protect you" etc. etc. is...parents should consider returning to the ancient and safe custom of birth at home.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Five Standards for Safe Childbearing - Awesome quote!

Five Standards for Safe Childbearing - Google Book Search

"It is a comment on our times that we, who want childbirth to again become an intimate family affair, filled with the security of one's home and the love and tenderness of one's family, are considered radicals." Doris Haire

Excerpts from the 5 Standards of Safe Childbirth


by David Stewart, PhD:

...Every study published shows midwives to be safer than doctors. Every study. No exceptions. If your physician disagrees with this, challenge him or her to produce the data that supports otherwise. They won't be able to do it. Such data does not and never did exist. In a nutshell, that is the strength of the case for midwifery. It is unanimous.

...In March of 1996, the Kansas State Supreme Court rules that midwifery is a distinct profession. The high court stated that "even if the midwife does something that could be construed as medical practice, it is not medical practice. It is midwifery. An activity is not incident to the practice of medicine just because it is engaged in by the members of the medical profession."

Dr. Stewart says, "Any practitioner who attends birth with an attitude of respect for individuality, support of nature, promoting health, and the preservations of normality by little or no intervention is, by our definition, a "midwife" even though he or she may hold a degree in medical doctoring."

To get a copy of the new, fully updated 1997
"Five Standards for Safe Childbearing" by David Stewart, Ph.D send $16.95, plus $3.00 shipping to NAPSAC, Rt. 1, Box 646, Marble Hill, MO 63764-9725, USA. (make checks payable to NAPSAC International, in US funds) reprints of the Midwifery article are $4.95 each, plus $1.50 shipping, and the Home Birth Chapter is $3.95, plus $1.50 shipping. *I have no financial or any other interest in NAPSAC, except I like the work the Stewarts do!*

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Ezra James Burgess

Ezra James Burgess

-More beautiful fruit of the labor of birth at home in Alabama!